Saturday, August 25, 2018

Money Leads to a More Satisfying Life - No surprise

Better Life Satisfaction

Of course a lottery winning or an inheritance can make life easier and thus you can fulfill your desires.  Done well it can lead to a better life, but done poorly it can make you more miserable than ever before.  It could be that Swedes are more disciplined and on average focus on mundane and duller, in a good way, and less damaging improvements in lifestyle than say Americans who often go right out and blow it on fancy cars, romantic efforts, and drugs and alcohol.  Not all Americans of course do this, but a surprising number end up miserable when winning big cash.  It may also have to do with the aspect of the culture where you tend to have lots of hangers on and users ready to pounce.  Whatever the case it the best advice is move slowly when you come up on a life changing windfall.   At least the Swedes know how to enjoy winning money and not suffer as much later according to this study as I read it.  It also shows that each culture has particular benefits that appear under stress tests like a quick influx of cash. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Average American Gets Less Time off Than Medieval Peasant

Peasants Worked Less

It is observable that except for government workers and politicians most Americans put in more hours than any other workers in the world, 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Retirement Happiness

Number one Reason

One thing you can count on is that a bad marriage in retirement will mean a bad retirement.  Loneliness is probably the worst element of getting old and being retired.  If you are lonely then you are not going to be happy.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Retire Early and do it for freedom and lifestyle

Retire Early

I like to think I dropped out of the workforce in my late 20's and kept teaching tennis more for the pleasure of it than income.  I would have done it anyway even if I had a few million in the bank.

The trick of course is to limit your expenses so that it matches your income.