Saturday, April 20, 2019

30 Best Cities for Retirement

Midwest Focus

It makes you wonder why.  Is it cost.  Quality of life. Or does it simply reflect the values that the midwest still has representing life before America changed.  Research your future home and decide for yourself.

Annuitize Social Security?

Nobel Laureate's Plan

This article spells it out perfectly.  It probably won't work and will just give more benefits to those that don't need them.

Is Retirement Dead?

Retirement is Dead - Forbes

Having to continue working is the worst option.  If you have a type of work that you love and can continue to do despite aging then you're doing it for meaning and having a purpose.  That is why it may be best to secure your finances so that you can keep working at your own pace whether for pay or to volunteer. 

Choose financial Independence

The Millennial Retirement Plan

Millennials - retirement - The lottery

It's still better than their preference for Socialism which whether they know it or not will guarantee more misery than all of the other foolish ideas combined.