Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Retirement at 65: A thing of the past?

Why it could happen.

Thinking that you'll be able to work past 65 is the first delusion you need to drop.  There is no guarantee that you'll be healthy enough or energetic enough to keep working.  Sure if you get there and want to keep going, do so.  But you should have the option provided by enough savings.  Actually, you might want to have that option at 55 or 60 just in case things don't work out in your favor for whatever reason. 

How to get there.


Pay off your home and make sure it isn't more than you need or can keep.

Pay off your vehicles.

Find a way to cover your medical costs.  If you're a Veteran you have something in your favor but unfortunately, it's not as good as if you were on Medicaid and an undocumented person.  If you worked for the Government you are probably all set since they have great benefits and early retirements compared to the private sector. 

If you're self-employed then maybe you can just slow down.

The key component is savings above all. 

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